25 November 2007

Stretch Your Way to Sleep

I read an interesting article on the inter-net the other day about how doing a few simple pilates based stretches before going to bed could help you to sleep better. The story goes that they took a group of people that were basically reliant on sleeping aids to get their z's every night and had them do a few simple stretches before bed for something like 10 minutes or so. By the end of the trial, many of the participants were able to cut down on their sleeping aids by 60%. Just in the last few weeks due to time constraints I have resorted to doing my yoga at night before bed. Now it was power yoga and I had avoided doing it before bed in the past because I thought it would energize me to the point of insomnia. Not true! Consistently, the nights I did yoga before going to bed I slept like a rock! The kind of sleep that you wake up in the morning and you can barely stand on your feet because they haven't moved for hours on end. I was hoping to find that article so I could post the pilates stretches they recommended but I don't know that it is necessarily limited to just a few poses. I did find the following "8-minute workout before bed". I have not actually tried it but i know that a full yoga routine usually does it for me. If anyone tries this and finds it works for them I would like to hear about it. There are several others available if you do a search. Click on the pics if you would like more detail for each pose.

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