10 December 2007

Tadpole by ifrogz

I have found a little tool to help me multi-task. By some kind of miracle, I was able to get my children's swim lessons back to back. AWESOME! The only problem is that the one's lesson is 45 minutes long. That is quite awhile for the other to sit and watch. I decided that it would be a great time to do homework. I can be the supportive observing parent and help the other one with their reading or whatever comes up. Eyes on swimmer, ears on student. Oh but wait there is that rogue third one. Hmmm. I have tried designating one ear for the student on the left, the other on rogue, and the eyes on the swimmer. Nice to have it all done one day a week (rip off the band-aid idea) but it was all starting to take a toll on my mental health, which in time, was bound to affect my overall physical well-being. Enter our must-have product of the week-ifrogz tadpole. Now I hate to have my children brain rotting all the time (although they do their share of it) and I would rather them read a book, but let's face it desperate times...
When I first saw the tadpole I thought it was a good idea but would I use it? When I bust that bad boy out it is so worth it. I can load movies or short half-hour episodes of kid stuff on it and I am ready to go. Now I can watch swimmer, read with one, one watches a short show and then we rotate. Quality time with each of my lovelies. The headphones control the sound so they can't blow their eardrums out and they are comfortable for the kids to wear because they are smaller for their heads and they don't have to hold onto them. If I have trouble getting the pre-schooler out of the house for a quick errand I load on a short show hook it onto the fishing line and dangle it in front of her until she climbs into the car. I strap her in before she even realizes what has happened. The tadpole is highly durable and very comfortable for them to hold. They come in a variety of colours. Use sparingly to keep the novelty alive. Coolness.

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