Number portability, ultra cheap long distance, great voicemail, multiple numbers/countries, integrated im service, large file transfer. We know Skype is here to stay. The latest rage is to hook up internet-only in your home with naked DSL and then use a combination of Skype and a mobile phone (in case you need 911) for communication - a traditional phone line is so pasee and pricey. With a SkypeIn number not only is this possible but it works extremely well. Take for example our case, living down under in heaven, we have family on both coasts of the US and make lots of international calls. Family is keen on using the computer to call for free but it's hit or miss, can't always get the headset for the computer ready - what time is it in NZ - are they online while I am, etc. etc. All of this hassle is smoothed over with a set of SkypeIn numbers. One in CA, UT and NH oh and a number here in NZ as well. All 4 of these numbers ring into our one Skype home account or hit our one voice mailbox if we are sleeping. For a cheap rate everyone can grab any phone and call us anytime and since we have a Netgear wireless Skype phone we don't even have to have the computer on (or as usual, its free if they use the computer). When we move, same thing, no need to ever change numbers and my friends here can call me on my local NZ number if we move to the states. I will never have a traditional phone again!
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